Elegant Palacve for Civil Wedding in Tuscany

The Palazzo Pubblico Wedding Hall

A very elegant with frescoes Palace in Siena, a medieval walled citadel, in the center of the most famous piazza where each year a Renaissance horse race is re-enacted in full costume.

As dramatic as the one in Florence.

Over 800 years old, Palazzo del Consiglio is a medieval hall located on the breathtaking Piazza del Campo where the Palio takes place every summer.

Home to the Civic Museum, here you can admire one of the finest art collections in Tuscany. The interiors are a wonder to behold. Huge frescoes by Simone Martini, the Maesta' and the famous equestrian portrait of Guidoriccio da Fogliano, and by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Effects of Good and Bad Government, surround you.

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